Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Ancient Civilizations And Religion

Note: I understand that the subject deserves to be covered by experts, and I am not one of them. I felt the need to write because, as far as I can tell and based on what I have seen and read so far, the angle from which the subject is considered below is not satisfactorily covered, and my hope is that this effort may contribute in a better understanding of the subject, given of course the limits of what I think I understand about it.


* Introduction

It appears that the subject of ancient civilizations has been drawing attention in recent decades, including from the general public. There is a notable amount of writings and videos on the subject.

Religion is usually a prominent part when discussing ancient civilizations.

As I understand, the essence of Religion is about knowing God. It is a journey that starts from self improvement and awareness about one's own being (definitely not in a limited, narrow and selfish way at all) and requires peace of mind, purity of heart, clarity of inner sight, integrity, high moral values and open eyes and minds. The path to know God is not something that any intelligent being can invent, the Path can only be discovered, as it is. The Path is about the underlying or the deep spiritual inner structure of all beings, and every intelligent responsible being in creation can benefit from.

However, regarding modern popular media coverage of ancient civilizations, when the subject of Religion comes up, I would always feel that there is something missing in what I see and read, and I have often found myself wondering how strange some views sound, given just a basic religious background, about basic religious concepts (such as presented here: Al-Ghazali's Aqeedah), that an average religious person like yours truly would know about.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Livelihood And Life In This World



  • Introduction
  • Prophets And Worldly Gains
  • Means And Ends
  • "Glitter of Wealth and Power"?
  • Moderate Consumption, Without Excess Or Waste
  • Charity
  • Being "Possessive" about what appears in existence as Possessions
  • Social Harmony
  • Limits Of Human Knowledge about Livelihood
  • Final Note


* Introduction

- A student once asked a Sufi master, "Why most wise men are poor?". The master, noting that the student confined the meanings of the Arabic word رزق 'Rizk' (provisions) to material things, said "Wisdom is part of Rizk, and they have plenty of it."

Rizk or provisions that humans can benefit from are much more than to be confined to material things. Some of what the word includes are:

- Availability of basic natural resources (food, water, fresh air).

- Total wellbeing (covering man's whole "being", it used to be the natural way to look at wellbeing in ancient medicine, in many different cultures, as I understand).

- Security

- Shelter

- Relationships

- Inner Peace

- Inner Sight

- Knowing God

None of the first five is necessarily tied to any particular amount of financial resources. And the last three have definitely nothing to do with financial resources. And the last three are the focus, and advancement in this aspects is the most prized and the most precious a human being can ever have, as far as mystics are concerned. A Sufi saying goes : "What did he find [of worth], he who did not find You [God]? And what is it [of worth] he missed, he who found You?" [from Ibn Ata-Ellah's Munajat (Prayer)].