* Introduction
* Trust in God.
* Living Peacefully.
* Inner Peace
* Freedom
* Getting the best in Life
* Selflessness
* Ethics
* Coexistence
* The Way Ahead
* Introduction
There is what appears to be a natural basic need to understand what is going on, and that is why maybe one does not have to be a religious scholar or a sufi or a philosopher or a scientist, to read about religion, philosophy and science. Maybe it is better to consider different ways to look at the same existence and its events, in an attempt to get a better view.
Dealing with events, and trying to make sense of what's transpiring, are two related things. Usually one learns from experiences one goes through in Life. But, maybe there are differences between individuals regarding how curious and serious one might be to understand what's going on, and how deep one is willing to go in this regard.