Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Importance Of Viewing The Full Picture


This article is about Religion and the Depth And Breadth Of Viewing Existence.


* Why Tranquility Is Essential

* Why Civility Is Indispensable

* Why Open-mindedness is Crucial


Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Religion And Optimal Well-Being


-The information here is based on my general understanding of the issue. Every individual might need specific advice based on his or her particular requirements. It is best to consult experts for personal advice.

- This is not a guideline on health, it is simply things that caught my attention regarding the relationship between religion and what I believe might be seen as healthy practices or a positive style of daily life.



I don't recall where or when did I read a brief note on a sort of a general prescription for a "good" life. I don't even recall who said it, or of which religious background he was, or even if he was religious or not.

There are four aspects of a "good" life:

- Tranquility / Inner Peace

- Minimal Food and Drinks / Regular Fasting

- Avoiding Negative Things:

  Harmful (or unfavorable to health) food and drinks

  Negative feelings

  Negative behavior

  Negative thoughts

- Adopt / Acquire Positive Things:

  Food and Drinks


  Feelings and Thoughts

Sounds reasonable and maybe even naturally instinctive. I think the note was interesting, and maybe that's why it stuck in my mind.

I feel that there is an interesting sort of a reciprocation between a deep spiritual religious mindset and a Healthy life style. Signs can easily be found in the literature of different Religions.


So, why would Religion have any thing to do with a Healthy life style?

The Quran says [16:97] : "Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has Faith, verily, to him will We give a new Life, a life that is good and pure, and We will bestow on such their reward according to the best of their actions."

Yusuf Ali's comment: "Faith, if sincere, means right conduct. When these two confirm each other, God's grace transforms our life. Instead of being troubled and worried, we have peace and contentment; instead of being assailed at every turn by false alarms and the assaults of evil, we enjoy calm and attain purity. The transformation is visible in this life itself, but the "reward" in terms of the Hereafter will be far beyond our deserts."

As I understand, the Essence of Religion is to know God. And it is clear that the Path to know God has guidelines that include improving human behavior, moral values, inner tranquility, adopting beneficial and positive social and personal habits and eschewing negative manners and habits. So, as far as I can tell, anyone who sees the above as positive and good to follow is leaning toward the Path to know God, whether he or she focuses on the Essence of Religion or not, and anyone who misses or is distracted from or not interested in any of the above is leaning away from the Path to know God, whether he or she is interested in Religion or not.